Let me introduce you to Ashley…
She’s 28 years old and loves eco-friendly tourism. She enjoys traveling with Brian, her boyfriend, and occasionally a few of their friends tag along too.
One of her favorite things about traveling is finding off-the-beaten-path places to go. She really likes finding those gems before they’re super touristy.
Her favorite place to shop is Whole Foods. She wants to know exactly what she’s putting in her body, and loves that they emphasize health and community involvement.
She’s not a social media addict, but she does like spending time watching videos on TikTok. When it’s time to start planning her next trip, she has an Instagram collection of places to go and things to see.
Google is also her friend. If she hasn’t heard of someplace, or is interested in learning more, she’s searching for destination guides and exploring new place to travel.
So what does Ashley have to do with your travel agency marketing strategy or content?
Actually, a lot.
Ashley just might be the ideal client for your travel agency. She may be exactly the client you’re trying to attract.
That means she represents the potential travelers every bit of your digital marketing content should be speaking to.
Wondering how that works?
Let’s take a look…
Why do you create travel agency marketing content?
Good travel agency marketing content is important for two reasons. It engages your existing clients by keeping them interested. And it gives your potential clients valuable information.
But how do you decide what content to create?
Simple! It depends on your audience and what you want your content to do.
Take social media. You can create a bunch of content that you’re really proud of. Sometimes people will engage with it. Sometimes they don’t.
But it’s probably not converting into the sales that you want it to. Have you ever wondered why?
Real talk. If you’re posting on social media just because someone said you should be, just stop. Right now.
Have you asked yourself why you’re posting? What do you want your content to do?
Figuring out your “why” - and what you want your travel marketing content to do - is a huge part of your content marketing strategy. It’s what should be driving what you’re creating so you get the outcome that you want.
Content should be part of a bigger marketing plan
You want more people to know that you plan amazing trips for them. And you want them to book more trips with you.
So how does that relate to content marketing?
It starts with turning what you want into a goal. Keep it simple, but measurable.
Your goal: Getting 20% more bookings this year than last year.
But to get 20% more bookings, more people need to find you and understand the value of the services you offer.
You already know that Ashley is your ideal client and represents your target market. You know her likes and dislikes and how she travels. So how can you focus your efforts so Ashley can find you?
You know Ashley spends a lot of time on social media. You want to create content on the social media platforms that she’s on the most. And what you create should be focused on what will interest her and how you can help create the experience she’s looking for.
You know Ashley searches Google for more info after she’s inspired by content from TikTok and Instagram. And if you want to be found on Google, you need to write content that can be found - like blog posts.
Showing up in multiple ways with current and potential clients is important too. You don’t want to leave your audience visibility to the whims of the social media algorithms. Which means you’ll want to use email marketing to engage with your audience regularly too.
So how does this all tie together? It’s part of your marketing strategy.
But how do you create content that ties into your content marketing strategy?
Creating your travel agency marketing content
Remember, your goal is to increase your bookings by 20% this year. Ashley is your ideal client, and you’re going to use a mix of content to reach her (and more people like her).
You decide to write a blog post for your travel agent website. You’ll use the post to create additional content like social media posts and email.

The blog post you write is “Top 5 eco-friendly tourism destinations for 2024”. In the post you list eco-friendly locations, eco-friendly options for getting there, include some great photos, and sprinkle in some insider travel tips.
You share the post on your social media channels and in an email your list.
Ashley doesn’t spend much time on Facebook, so you focus your social media marketing on Tiktok and Instagram. You create two videos that can be shared, using footage you took during your last visit to one of the destinations you included in the blog post. And you create two Instagram posts with photos and great captions that can easily be saved for later.
You follow the same plan for the next six weeks: one blog post, one email and multiple postings on your travel business social media accounts. Each blog post is related to eco-tourism. You include specific, well researched, long-tail keywords so you’re more likely to show up well in search engine results.
The result? You get more traffic to your travel agency website. You have higher engagement on social media. And you get more bookings from eco-conscious travelers who have been inspired by your content and your expertise.
Consistently creating and sharing content that’s valuable to your audience will attract new potential clients. It also builds loyalty to your travel agency.
That’s the power of great marketing content when it’s paired with a bigger marketing strategy.
The Bottom Line
Deciding what your goal is and creating content that gets you there is the key to your strategy and content working together. It doesn’t need to be complicated - in fact, it shouldn’t be!
This content strategy can work regardless of who your ideal potential customer is. If your niche is luxury cruises, it works. If it’s Europe FIT groups, it works. Disney and Universal theme park vacations? Yep, it works.
When your content aligns with your strategy, every blog post, social media update, video, and email has a clear purpose that supports your overall goals. Your travel advisor marketing efforts aren’t just random acts of creativity. They’re creative and become targeted actions that drive results.